Be Creative: Busy Bee Pincushion

JABC - Busy Bee Pincushion

May 14, 2022

Go Where Your Wings Take You

We delight in putting together easy projects that are clever and unique.  Nothing makes that more fun than having a brand new embellishment.  The Busy Bee Pincushion combines all our favorite materials AND uses the new bumblebee wings. 

JABC - Pincushion kit

After years of creating with handmade buttons and pins, the bumblebee wings gave us a new perspective.  They're pins, but that's not the first thing you see--instead, you see wings.

JABC - Handmade pins
A Busy Bee pattern is included when you purchase a Bumblebee Wings Pin-Mini #10615.  You can "bee creative" with us!
Here's a Busy Bee with some fun extra details.  We love that bent pins make perfect antennae--and don't miss the stinger on the back!
JABC - Pincushion
Instead of gluing this bee to a spool stand, we pushed a bamboo skewer through the hole of a 1/2" spool and then into the bottom of the bee's felt ball body.  This Busy Bee now lives in a bright bouquet of flowers.
JABC - Bee pincushion
Every idea seemed to lead to another.  Here a dimensional applique bee is finished with pins that create both wings and antennae!  Instructions for this busy bumble are at the end of the blog.
JABC - Handmade pins

Look here for products related to Busy Bee Pincushion:

Pin-Mini Bumblebee Wings (includes Busy Bee Pincushion Pattern and small pins for antennae) #10615

Sunshine yellow 3cm felted wool balls

Black 2cm felted wool balls

Wood spools 1 1/18"  or  2"  or 1/2"

Short video on braiding rickrack


Bumblebee dimensional applique



JABC - Bee applique

Center the fabric in the hoop.  Stack the three wool circles with the smallest against the fabric.

JABC - Bee applique

Take one long stitch through all layers in the center of the circle to hold them in place, then sew tiny stitches all around to attach just the largest circle to the fabric.

JABC - Bee applique

Trim a slight curve in the straight edge of the black half circle.  Lay it over the upper edge of the yellow circle.  Stitch around the outside edge only of the black "head."  Trim the strip to fit loosely over the circles.  Stitch to the yellow body at both sides, then tack the wavy "points" to the top layer of yellow wool only.

JABC - Bee applique

Slide each wing pin into the bee and out again at the top of the head.  Make the pin points into antennae by tacking each to the fabric near the tip, then sew a tiny button or bead over the point.

Thanks for creating with us!

 JABC - Signature



Jack waterfield said:


Janice Caple said:

Love the buttons

Catherine Laurent said:

So sweet and adorable.


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