About Us


From 1996 to Now

Just Another Button Company was founded in 1996 by Cecile McPeak when she was looking for an outlet to sell her handmade polymer clay creations. Millions of buttons later, we still hand-make those same polymer clay buttons right here in our hometown Troy, IL.
In addition to our original handmade buttons, we added a line of handmade Just Pins and an entire division of hand-dyed buttons!
We love sharing our buttons and our button-able projects with you!

Please take a “stroll” through our collections and our blog to find some button inspiration for your life!

 The Faces Behind the Buttons

Cecile founded JABC and serves as the President and Chief Button Maker. She makes and designs buttons every day plus directs our team of button makers. Look for our fascinating video of Cecile making buttons from polymer clay on our YouTube channel!

Rachel joined the JABC creative team in 2010. As VP of Creativity, she works side-by-side with Cecile to direct our marketing and design. She's also been known to get her hands dirty in the dye room occasionally. Look for our YouTube video of Rachel hand-dyeing buttons!

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