Pin Lover’s Club: Harmony Hill Mini-Pinnie

Pin Lover’s Club: Harmony Hill Mini-Pinnie

October 29, 2018

It is hard to not proclaim every new button or pin that we make as our new favorite. I feel like I say it every time we come up with something new. But this adorable collection… is my latest new favorite! It is hard to look at them and not be in awe of the detail in each one, especially when you understand how they are made! (Would you like to see? Check out this video of Cecile showing how to make polymer clay handmade buttons!)

This month our featured Mini-Pinnie is called Harmony Hill. We loved the idea of these three sweet creatures living together in perfect harmony on a grassy green hillside. We created this fun pincushion as the perfect home for them to share. You will love how quick and easy it is to make! 

Harmony Hill Mini-Pinnie Supplies:

  • Pin Lover’s Club Pin-Mini
  • Fabric: (cut these pieces*)
    9” x 5” rectangle of green cotton print
  • 9” x 5” rectangle of Dreamy Fusible fleece (from Sew Lazy)
  • Wool roving

Harmony Hill Mini-Pinnie Instructions:

Fuse, Cut and Mark

Follow product instructions to fuse the batting to the wrong side of the cotton print. Use pinking shears or a zigzag rotary blade to trim the fused piece to 8” x 4”. Trace the pattern (in the download linked below) on lightweight paper. Poke a hole at each lettered dot. Lay the pattern over the trimmed fabric and lightly transfer a pencil dot through each hole onto the cotton.

Assemble the Pincushion

**Note that the seams are on the outside.
Fold the fused rectangle, batting sides together, matching the two short ends. Machine stitch from point X to point Y (not edge to edge) 1/4” from the edge, through all layers. With the needle down at Y, pivot the fabric and continue the seam down the side to Z (at the fold). Secure the thread. Open the unstitched edge of the shape and fold it closed again at A and B. Point X from the last step will meet C on the open side. Stitch this side closed (again, 1/4” from edge) leaving 1” open for stuffing. Secure thread.


Pull out and fluff a bit of the wool roving. Stuff it in the pincushion through the opening, pushing the roving into the corners first. Add more bits of roving until the pincushion is full and firm. If you want to weight your pincushion, add a handful of beans at the bottom, or fill with ground walnut shells instead of wool roving. Pull together the edges of the opening and stitch closed. Add your limited edition Pin-Mini!

-> Download the Harmony Hill Mini-Pinnie Pattern and Project sheet.

Helpful links:

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