JABC Stitch School: Franken-Stitch Finish

JABC Stitch School: Franken-Stitch Finish

August 01, 2018

If you are following along with our Button Lover’s Club projects, you know that we are big fans of techniques that are time savers. One of our favorites is something we call the “Franken-Stitch Finish”. If you have ever struggled to sew a pillow closed after turning it, you will understand just why this technique is in our top 5 most used techniques!

Watch as we show to do the Franken-Stitch Finish and how to finish it off with a cute and super easy patch!

We love just how easy that is and how nice it makes our finished pillows look!

Be sure to check out all of our Stitch School tutorials and videos: JABC Stitch School.


Catherine ann Laurent said:


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