It's a Party! Pincushion--supplies only, pattern & pins sold separately
Available beginning April 23, 2024.
The finished pincushion shown is made from the felt pieces included in this kit.
Wool-blend Felt Supply Kit includes:
- All 10 delicious shades of wool-blend felt shown
- JABC button pack #10743
- Felted wool ball
- Die-cut flowers
- White mini pom-pom trim
You will also need:
- JABC Pattern It's a Party! Pincushion, #P1090, available as a leaflet or PDF or included free if you belong to Pin Lover’s Club
- JABC Pin-Mini #jpm568 (or your choice) or use your Birthday Cake pins if you belong to Pin Lover’s Club. Also look for #jpm567 if you want to add candle flame pins!
- Roving
- Floss or thread to match wool and button colors
- Light-weight cardboard
The button pack for this pincushion is also sold separately, #10743.
Retail only, please.