The Pokey Turtle Hoop-Tuffet Pincushion --supplies only, pattern & pins sold separately
The finished pincushion shown is made from the felt pieces included in this kit.
*** You will be emailed a PDF pattern for the optional white felt daisy. The daisy and button center are not included in the kit. Pokey "keeping cool" shows pins jpm503, sold separately here.
Wool Supply Kit includes:
- JABC 2-3/16" buttons
WDW Kudzu Houndstooth hand-dyed felted wool, size 5 pearl cotton
- Lady Dot Creates Moss Mini Pom-Pom trim
- 1-3cm olive felted wool ball
- 4-2cm olive felted wool balls
- 3" wood embroidery hoop
You will also need:
- JABC Pattern The Pokey Turtle Hoop-Tuffet Pincushion, P1086 available as a leaflet or PDF
- JABC Pin-Mini #jpm414 (Quilty) or jpm503 (Vitamin C)
- Roving, 1 oz.
- Floss or thread to match wool and button colors
- Medium-weight cardboard
- Pink colored pencil
- White glue
Retail only, please.